Activities | Auas Safari Lodge


Bird Watching

You can wander the farm on your own to find certain species of Southern African birds, join a guide for a more informative trip or simply sit on the patio in front of the lodge overlooking the water hole.

Auas Safari Lodge is a birders paradise as it boasts 301 different species. Several of the bird species found on the nature reserve are endemic to the general area and or Namibia. Some of the bird species are endangered in Namibia and or globally.

Spread throughout Namibia game parks and nature reserves constitute a significant percent of the country’s
available surface area. This conservation in general offers Namibia’s birds a great degree of protection and
thanks to a few dedicated focus groups specific conservation of the various bird species in the country is provided.
Some of these groups include:

• The Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) runs and facilitates a number of environmental projects and have a
longstanding involvement in the conservation of Namibia’s birds

• Raptors Namibia is a dedicated group of people who are successfully working on the implementation and
management of various action plans for the protection of Namibia’s Raptors against various threats including
poisoning, shooting, electrocution and collision with power lines. They work very closely with various organisations
such as the Poison Working Group and the Vulture Study group.

• NACOMA (the Namibian Coast Conservation and Management project) is a government commissioned
body working on the conservation of coastal areas. Along with various other aspects, they have an involvement
with the conservation of shore birds. In partnership with them is the Namibia Coastal/Marine Bird Action
Plan.conservation of Namibia’s birds.

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